Solar Farm near Bunny Wood

A planning application has been made for a major Solar Farm adjacent to Bunny Wood nature reserve. Details can be found on the Rushcliffe Borough Council planning web site…/ Planning Ref 22/00303/FUL, the deadline for comments from the public is 1st April.
The site map (see…/Solar-Farm-plan.pdf) indicates the array runs right along the whole of the southern edge of the reserve and extends for about 1000m along the slope to the south to the Wysall Road, and represents a significant visual intrusion into the landscape. Visibility issues aside, Bunny Wood takes a lot of drainage from the top of the field, so the solar farm may also affect the site’s hydrology and ecology. It will also impact the farmland wildlife currently to be found in the open fields here, like Hares and Skylarks – even species like Golden Plover and Hen Harrier have been seen making use of these fields in recent years.
This application represents the difficult choices the planning system raises as we are all far more reliant on energy than in the past, but the production of energy, renewable or not comes at a cost. As always the planning process is open to individuals making comments.