Rushcliffe Nature Reserves

The following are Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust Reserves in or adjacent to Rushcliffe (includes links to NWT Reserve Fact Sheets)

  • Bunny Wood – a piece of ancient woodland recovering from the ravages of Dutch elm disease
  • Farndon Willow Holt – willow carr on route to Newark
  • Skylarks – a combination of lake, woodland and grassland near Holme Pierrepont, will form part of a much larger 47 hectare site.
  • Wilford Claypit – an SSSI combining ponds and species-rich grassland including orchids in Compton Acres
  • Wilwell Farm Cutting – a 20 acre SSSI noted for its wildflowers, situated between Ruddington and Wilford, and on the edge of West Bridgford

There are a number of other reserves in Rushcliffe managed by various Friends Groups or organisations, includes links to reserve web sites where applicable.

Bingham Linear Park – abandoned stretch of railway managed by Friends Group, particularly note for supporting a population of Grizzeled Skipper.

Collington Common – an area of amenity grassland adjacent to Rushcliffe Arena in West Bridgford that has been converted into species rich grassland.

Cotgrave Country Park – run by Notts County Council with a Friends Group – lakes & ponds, young woodland. Grantham Canal running through

Diamond Woods, Sutton Bonnington – newly created consisting of two plantations on Notts University land and planted with Woodland Trust assistance. Some 30 hectares.

Gotham Sandbanks – part of a larger SSSI, mainly woodland but containing a fragment of species rich grassland

Green Line, West Bridgford – part of the old Melton railway running into West Bridgford and supported by a Friends Group

Keyworth Meadow – traditional wildflower meadowland, a wildlife haven within surrounding arable farmland.

Rushcliffe Country Park – large site manage by RBC as a country park, but includes a good range habitats including species rich grassland, ponds and young woodland. Very extensive range of species recorded.

Sharphill Wood – on the edge of Bridgford this isolated piece of Ash woodland is a prominent feature overlooking the area. It is managed by an active Friends Group.

The Hook, Lady Bay – an area of amenity grassland in West Bridgford being turned into species rich grassland with the help of a Friends Groups. Noted for it`s pop of water voles.

Springdale Wood, East Bridgford – created by Woodland Trust and managed by a local group.

Sutton Bonnington Meadow – are of species rich grassland adjacent to the River Soar and cared for by the Parish Council.

Willoughby Wood – created by Woodland Trust and managed by local group.

If you are interested in making a practical contribution to nature conservation in Rushcliffe, please see our Reserve Work Parties page.

If you are interested in other local wildlife related web links have a look at our WEB LINKS PAGE