Rushcliffe Volunteer Forum Sat 27th Sept

To all you folk out there who are actively engaged with nature conservation on committees, work parties, wardening and survey work – Rushcliffe Borough Council and Notts Wildlife Trust will be hosting a Volunteer Forum and you are all most welcome to come whatever your interests and levels of involvment. The theme will be to look at the implications of Landscapescale Conservation and how it might be applied to the area in the coming years, it will also be used as an oppurtunity to look at the new Skylark reserve and our plans for it. BUT most importantly it will be an oppurtunity for like minded wildlife enthuisats to get together. If you are interested please follow PASTE this link into your browser (direct clicking dosen`t seem to work, possibly because it is so long) – this contains the booking form, but if you page down it also gives an outline agenda.