Red Kites in Rushcliffe.

According to Notts Birders two pairs of Red Kites have successfully bred in Rushcliffe this year. Apparently Red Kites are noted for setting up clusters of nests, so they are hoping that this is the start of a colonisation process over the next few years. So keep an eye on the sky, the next big bird you see might not be the usual Buzzard. Although it does make me wonder – will they be in competition with Buzzards anyone know ?

To look out for – the reddish  colouring on the body, upper tail and wing, but  probably most notable is that Red Kites have a shallow forked tail, whilst the Buzzard tail fans out. Bigger than a Buzzard it `s call is described as a thin piping sound, similar to but less mewling than the common buzzard.

Bonus fact – the UK supports 10% of the RK population.