Rushcliffe Country Park Wildlife WATCH

Rushcliffe Country Park Wildlife WATCH for children  have published their Autumn programme

First off on the 9th September we are going ‘wild in the country’. That means, weather permitting we shall be out and about using all our senses to discover what is lurking in the country park in late summer. This might mean that we will see how a tree feels when its hugged (not emotionally obviously!!), or how certain trees or plants smell when sniffed. Maybe we will come across a frog or a toad that might need kissing to reveal if there really is any truth to the fairy tales we know and love. As well as letting our senses loose in the great outdoors, we have a great game lined up – The Smelly Sock Game. Not quite as bad as it sounds – our socks will be fairly clean, but full of some interesting items for you to sniff at and to guess the contents. We promise no cheese of any sort. So don’t forget your coats and wellies, hats and sun-cream, nose pegs, etc. It will be fun. Start time is the usual 11:00 at the Education Centre and we will finish off with drinks and snacks just before 1 pm.

Then In October, we have an organisation called ‘Hawks of Steele’ coming to visit us and do expect this will be a busy session, so you might want to make sure you reserve a space and arrive on time so as not to miss a minute of the session. Prepare to be awestruck by some fantastic Raptors.

In November, we will be entertaining the Notts Fungi Group, who will be introducing us to some amazing fungi to be found in the park, so that will be a treat not to be missed. If we have time, we might even have a go at making and naming our own brands of fungi and we will all have fun guys (and girls). Oh dear, less of the silly jokes please we hear you all saying.

The Rushcliffe Wildlife Watch Group (for more info contact Geoff East on, for a full programme follow this link.