Badger Cull in Leics & South Notts

From Mike Rivett via NEXTDOOR – Badger culling. Do you know that badgers in south Notts are scheduled to be culled, even though some of them have been vaccinated against bovine TB already? If you disagree, please sign and share the petition –

South Notts Local Group (NWT) – The government are being tight lipped about exactly where the culls are taking place, to try and throw off disruption. But even if it the cull area does not include the Notts Wildlife Trust Badger Edge Vaccination Scheme area, the uncertainty has resulted in a significant number of farmers withdrawing from a scheme that had been NWT`s most successful land owner engagement project, running since 2015.

However the vaccination programme is continuing with the support from a dedicated group of volunteers. One of the bizarre ironies of this is that the government are simultaneously funding both the cull and the vaccination programme.